Architectural design

Architectural design

Selecting an architectural designer is an act of trust and credibility.

Trust is to have the expectation of achieving a well-done job that adequately meets the needs of a particular client and in general, the certainty that an excellent project will be provided.

In AIA we have a division specialized in architectural design, integrated and directed by architects of recognized national and international experience, committed to our clients, to whom we try to offer adequate functional and operational conditions of their works, with a novel and innovative optic design, with consistent quality over time, with constant support in the process of developing your projects, based on the application of the best practices and technologies available in the environment.

Much of the trust and credibility in AIA is generated by the team's trajectory, processes and previous experiences of these designers. Another part is established by their professional integrity, the ability to understand, their flexibility and willingness to understand the needs of their client.

And finally, trust is also generated by the conviction that one works with full understanding and respect for the social and environmental responsibilities of the environment, in which the architectural works of our clients will be implemented.

Thanks to the above, we have achieved the recognition of being one of the most accredited architectural design companies in the environment, which guarantees an adequate cost-benefit ratio of the investments to be made by our clients.



Analysis and selection of lots and location of buildings


Analysis of codes and standards


Design of the layout and preliminary project to evaluate the conditions of a program in a given property


Architectural design


Coordination and advice of partial plans


Master plans


Interior design


Remodeling and architectural repowering of existing facilities


Preparation and coordination of studies and technical designs


Interior design




In AIA we understood the importance of planning prior to the execution of the projects to identify early the critical variables such as costs, execution deadlines, scope and quality levels and the social and environmental impact, which threaten the success of the projects, that is why we mitigate the factors that prevent the success of the projects under construction.
